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- 16401 Can't define a new pattern from the selection.
- 16402 Patterns cannot contain guides.
- 16403 The backmost selected object must be a rectangle defining the tile boundary. This rectangle must not be filled or stroked.
- 16404 Can't redefine the selected pattern.
- 16405 Patterns cannot contain anything painted with a gradient fill or a pattern.
- 16406 Can't delete the selected pattern or patterns.
- 16407 Can't rename the selected pattern.
- 16408 Patterns cannot contain placed illustrations.
- 16409 Patterns cannot contain masked objects.
- 16410 Patterns and designs cannot contain graphs.
- 16411 Patterns cannot contain images.
- 16412 Unknown swatch error!
- 16413 That name is already in use. Please choose another.
- 16414 Invalid name. Please choose another.
- 16415 Swatch name '%s' is already in use. Please choose another.
- 16501 Show
- 16502 Hide
- 16503 swatches
- 16504 Swatc&h Libraries
- 16505 No libraries found
- 16506 Swatch Libraries
- 16507 &Other Library...
- 16508 Show &Swatches
- 16509 Hide &Swatches
- 16510 Swatches
- 16511 Def&ine Pattern...
- 16601 Color
- 16602 Gradient
- 16603 Pattern
- 16604 New Color Swatch %d
- 16605 New Gradient Swatch %d
- 16606 New Pattern Swatch %d
- 16607 copy
- 16701 Process
- 16702 Spot
- 16801 Select a library to open:
- 16802 New Swatch
- 16803 R=%d G=%d B=%d
- 16804 C=%d M=%d Y=%d K=%d
- 16805 K=%d
- 16806 New Pattern
- 16807 Delete the swatch selection?
- 16808 Swatch Options
- 16809 New Swatch
- 16810 Swatches and Swatch Libraries
- 16811 by Neal Tucker and Ning-Ju Nan
- 16812 Undo Swatch
- 16813 Redo Swatch
- 16814 Loading Swatch Library
- 16815 Undo New Swatches
- 16816 Redo New Swatches
- 16817 Undo Delete Swatches
- 16818 Redo Delete Swatches
- 16819 Undo Move Swatches
- 16820 Redo Move Swatches
- 16821 Undo Swatch Changes
- 16822 Redo Swatch Changes
- 16823 %d%%
- 16824 Undo Merge Swatches
- 16825 Redo Merge Swatches
- 16826 Select Unused Swatches
- 16827 Swatch '%s' cannot be deleted because it is used in the document.
- 16828 Replace the %s swatch with a %s?
- 16829 color
- 16830 pattern
- 16831 gradient
- 16832 Merge Swatches
- 16901 Show All Swatches
- 16902 Hide All Swatches
- 16903 Show Color Swatches
- 16904 Hide Color Swatches
- 16905 Show Gradient Swatches
- 16906 Hide Gradient Swatches
- 16907 Show Pattern Swatches
- 16908 Hide Pattern Swatches
- 16909 New Swatch
- 16910 Delete Swatch
- 16911 Out of Gamut Warning (click to correct)
- 16912 In Gamut Color (click to correct)
- 17001 New Swatch
- 17002 Duplicate Swatch
- 17003 Delete Swatch
- 17005 Name
- 17006 Small Swatch
- 17007 Large Swatch
- 17011 Select All Unused
- 17013 Sort By Kind
- 17014 Sort By Name
- 17016 Merge Swatches
- 17020 Swatches
- 17021 Apply Swatch:
- 17022 Can not find the swatch.